Tobacco Dependence
- All our Pharmacists are board-certified to provide consultations on tobacco dependence
- A one-on-one consultation would include a discussion of all the nicotine replacement products available to use including but not limited to nicotine gums, lozenges, patches, etc. We can work to find the most affordable option for you.
- We also will go over goals that we both hope for you to meet to make sure you stay on the right track.
Diabetes Management
- Dr. Brandon Sainz is available for consultations on diabetes management.
- Meeting with Dr. Sainz on a weekly to monthly basis will allow him to help monitor your blood glucose levels and discuss potential ways to keep sugar levels down in the body.
- We can also discuss potential medications that would be perfect for you to help assist alongside a healthy diet.
Women's Health
- Dr. Melissa Fryhling can provide consultations regarding concerns about women's health.
- We will also make use of CDC MEC questionnaire and summary chart to help choose the most appropriate and affordable birth control method if needed.
- This consultation is available for all of our female patients, of pubescent age and above, who might have concerns.
- Dr. David Thai is available for consultations regarding MTM.
- After a meeting with Dr. Thai, you can expect to have all questions answered regarding prescription products as well as herbal, vitamin, and OTC products.
- This consultation is available to anyone who might have concerns of drug-drug interactions or wanting a comprehensive medication review.